
March 2023


With the right landscapers in NZ, you can create the perfect outdoor space. But without them, it’s easy to make mistakes that will cost you time and money down the road. This article will show you how to avoid common pitfalls when hiring a landscape contractor, so you can get the most out of your budget.

Here are some tips that will help you with your next project:

1. Keep them on track:

The first step is to make sure your landscapers are on track. If you’re working with multiple contractors, it’s easy for one to get ahead of the others. It can cause delays that will cost you more time and money in the long run.

Make sure everyone is aware of their responsibilities before they start any work so that nothing falls through the cracks.

2. Make sure they are insured:

The second thing you need to do is make sure that the landscape contractor you hire is insured. It will protect you from liability and ensure that if anything does go wrong, the cost of fixing it will not fall on your shoulders.

There are three main types of insurance that landscape contractors should have:

  • Public Liability Insurance: It covers them from claims made by third parties (like neighbours) as a result of something going wrong with their work or materials used in projects like this one. It also protects them from claims made by employees if someone was injured while working on site.
  • Workers Compensation: It covers any injuries sustained during employment including psychological trauma caused by being exposed repeatedly over long periods.

3. Be specific about your vision:

Before you hire a landscaper, make sure to describe the look and feel you are going for. You can do this by describing the colours, materials and textures that would work well in your space.

Describe the layout of your yard or garden; whether it’s rectangular, square or triangular is important when choosing plants and trees.

Finally, describe what elements need to be included (such as walkways) and what type of maintenance frequency works best for your situation.

4. Provide regular updates and feedback:

Providing regular updates and feedback to your landscapers is an important part of the process. It’s also something that many homeowners forget to do, which can lead to problems later on down the line.

One way to ensure this doesn’t happen is by setting up a weekly meeting with your landscape contractor and discussing what needs doing next week, as well as any issues with previous projects or other matters related to them (i.e., if there were any complications with installing irrigation pipes).

5. Be transparent with your budget:

You should be transparent with your budget. It will help the landscaper know what you can afford, and it will help you avoid any unexpected costs.

It also builds trust between you and your landscaper, because they know that they are working within the parameters of your finances and won’t take advantage of this situation to charge extra fees for services or materials.

6. Establish clear communication protocols in advance:

Establish clear communication protocols in advance. Whether you’re working with a local landscaping company or hiring out of state, it’s important to establish a clear communication protocol before starting work on your project. It will help ensure that all parties are on the same page and working toward the same goal.

Work out your schedule with your landscapers ahead of time so they know when they can expect updates from you, as well as how often they should be giving updates back to you.

7. Have a clear contract signed by both parties:

A contract is an important document that should be signed by both parties before work begins on your landscaping project. It should cover the details of your project, from the cost to the materials used and the payment schedule.

The contract should be clear, concise and thorough in covering all aspects of what you’re hiring them for–from the start date to the completion date and everything in between (including any changes made during construction).


Landscapers in NZ are a great investment and can add value to your property by turning it into something spectacular. The most important thing to remember is that communication is key! You need to make sure that everyone involved understands what exactly needs to be done before starting work on-site as well as during the process. It’s also important for both parties to be transparent about budgets so there aren’t any surprises later down the line when payments need making or materials ordered again after running out unexpectedly early on in the project completion timeframe.


What are Eyelet Curtains?

According to the solid folds of cloth, which run in constant lines from top to bottom, eyelet curtains are very trendy and build a remarkable attribute of a window. Eyelet Curtains often hang from a rod that is threaded through rings made of metal.  The curtain is stitched precisely into the material with loops so that the rail can pass over the top of the curtain itself. These rings are called blind grommets, or eyelets. The curtains are set in a concertina design on the column, creating large deep pleats.

How to Suspend Eyelet Curtains?

Curtains for eyelet curtain are for the rod only. No hooks or rings are necessary, so before you start, simply relief them from the pole.

Keeping the curtain against you with the face of the material, fold the first eyelet away from you and yarn the eyelet onto the pole of the curtain.

You should put the first eyelet on the outer rim of the pole bracket to inhibit the whole curtain from slipping into the center of the window when you close the curtains. This, at the end of the curtain pole, will keep the outside edge of the curtain.

When the entire curtain has been devoted to the pole, continue bending the eyelets near and away from you in a concertina style.

How to Measure for Eyelet Curtains?


There should be eyelet curtains suspended from blind poles. To reach the distance, only measure between the finials (the decorative ends).


The inner side of the eyelet is set 3 cm from the topmost of the curtain, so when measuring, you have to allow this or your curtains will be 3 cm too short! Measure from the top of the rod to where the curtains end and add 3 cm to where you like.

How to use Eyelet tape for Eyelet Curtains?

Step 1 & 2:

Only stitch the tape onto the fabric’s back to make sure the plastic pins are clear. Just take the covering to the bottom row of the stitching on the adhesive tape while lining your curtain.  The material is carefully cut away from the inside of the eyelets. Do not worry about frayed edges; any messy edges will be covered by the eyelet rings.

Step 3:

Clip on your selected eyelet ring

Step 4:

Hook the plastic and inserts together to achieve the desired fullness.

In which manner do you Hang Eyelet Curtains?

Merely thread the curtain rod through the curtain eyelets.

Do not thread onto the pole with the surface edge eyelet. On the outside of the frame, which is used to join the pole to either the wall or ceiling, this eyelet suits. It will escape the curtain from moving through the window by adding the eyelet outside the frame.

They will automatically fold into accepting folds once the eyelet curtains have been implanted onto the curtain pole.

How to Wash Eyelet Curtains?

There are several ways to wash eyelet curtains:

  1. Cleaning with Washing Machine

Hand-Washing the Curtains

Heavy Curtain Cleaning

Cleaning Curtain Rods And Rings

Steam Cleaning

A structural roof plan is a type of architectural design that you need to consider before you start the process. It will help you plan everything related to your building construction, including the layout of the structure and its foundation. Structural design is more complicated than other types of architectural designs but it is still possible for you to design one on your own. You just need to learn the basics and follow a series of steps that are easy to understand. This article will give you the basics to help you create your structural roof.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

Choose a roofing system:

Choosing a roofing system is a critical step in the design process. You can choose from many different options, including metal, tile and shingle roofs. Each type has its benefits and drawbacks that you should consider before making your final decision.

  • Choose a system that allows for ventilation: Roofs are often used to ventilate houses because of their large surface area compared with other parts of the structure. Make sure your roof is insulated so that it won’t trap heat in the summer or cold air during winter days (and vice versa).
  • Consider cost: The cost of materials varies greatly among different types of roofing systems; however, some may last longer than others depending on how well they’re installed and maintained over time by homeowners who live in them regularly instead of just doing repairs every few years when needed.

Monitor the building codes and guidelines:

Before you start to design your roof, you must understand what the building code is. The building code is a set of rules and regulations that helps ensure safety in homes, businesses, schools and other buildings. Local jurisdictions may have their own set of local ordinances (or laws) that govern how structures must be built.

To determine if your structure meets these requirements, it will be necessary for an engineer or architect performs a structural inspection. It will ensure that your roof is up to code and safe.

Study local weather conditions and climate:

To design a structural roof plan, you need to consider the local weather conditions. The most important factors are temperature, wind speed and direction, rainfall and humidity.

The average annual rainfall in your area is an important factor when choosing materials for your roofing system. It can help prevent damage from water penetration through cracks or seams in the material used for your structure’s exterior surface (for example metal panels).

Consider local wind speeds and design factors:

You need to consider local wind speeds when designing your roof. The wind speed can cause damage to the structure and its components, as well as create safety hazards for people inside and outside the building. When planning your roof design, you should also take into account any structural requirements that may be required by local authority building control regulations.

Check if there are any limitations to the building’s shape, size and height:

When you are designing a roof for your building, there may be limitations to the shape, size and height of your structure. For example, if you are planning to build a high-rise building, then there will be restrictions on how tall it can be. You should also check whether there are any restrictions on what materials you can use in your construction.


Designing a structural roof plan can be a very tedious process, but it is also very important to get right. You just need to consider all the factors that could affect your design, such as building regulations and restrictions. Once you have done this, it is time to draw up a structural roof plan and submit it for approval. Then you can proceed with the construction of your building. Also check if there are any limitations on what you can use for the materials, building’s shape, size and height as well as the roof design.

Sash and case windows are two popular window styles, but what makes them different? While both offer unique advantages, sash windows may be the better choice for those looking to achieve a certain look or save money on their budget. Learn more about the differences between these two types of windows and how they can transform your home today! Sash windows are usually made with two frames that hold several panes of glass.

The frame is connected by a system of weights and pulleys, allowing the window to open and close easily. Casement windows are generally hinged on one side, allowing them to be opened outward like a door. Both types come in either single- or double-glazed panels, helping keep your home cool during the summer months and warm during the winter.

Sash windows have several benefits that casement windows don’t offer. For example, they can help you achieve a more traditional look than their modern counterparts. Additionally, they are easier to repair or replace since they are held together by simple hardware instead of needing complex structural components.

They can also provide a secure and reliable way to keep your home safe. They come with a locking mechanism that allows you to easily lock them in place, making it hard for someone to break into your home. And because they are made of wood, they can be painted or stained to match the design and appearance of your home.

Overall, sash windows offer several advantages over their casement window counterparts. Not only do they give your home a unique and beautiful look, but they are also extremely easy to maintain and install. Additionally, they are usually more affordable than other types of windows, making them ideal They also work well in different settings, such as contemporary or classic homes, and can be easily customized to fit any size window frame.