Deep cleaning your living room doesn’t have to be hard if you start small and work your way out from there. The first step is to clear out the furniture, then clean the walls and ceiling. Next, tackle things like window sills, baseboards, doors and other surfaces that are prone to collecting fingerprints or dust. Finally, make it shine by wiping down light fixtures, polishing up shelves and cabinets or cleaning vents with a vacuum attachment.

The living room is the most used room in your home, making it a prime place for dust, grime and dirt to collect. It’s also one of the rooms that you’ll want to make look its best, so it’s important to keep it clean. You don’t have to spend hours cleaning your living room either — just follow these simple steps to make your living room sparkle again.

Clear out furniture

It’s time to clear out your living room. It’s best to start by removing any furniture that you don’t use, or is broken and no longer in working condition. Next, if there are any items that don’t match the style of your home or don’t fit with what else is in the room (like an ottoman), remove those too! This will give you a better sense of what needs to stay and what can go when it comes time for deep cleaning your living room.

Sweep out cobwebs

If you have a lot of cobwebs, use a broom to sweep them out. If there are only a few webs in your living room, consider using the vacuum cleaner instead.

If you have an infestation of spiders and their webs, try spraying some insecticide around the perimeter of your home to get rid of them for good!

Wipe down light fixtures with a damp cloth or a cleaning solution

To clean your light fixtures, first disconnect them from the wall and place them on a flat surface. Then use a damp cloth to wipe down the glass pieces and metal parts of the fixture. You can also use a cleaning solution if you want to give it an extra scrubbing boost.

Polish up the television screen and dust with a microfiber cloth

  • Clean the screen with a microfiber cloth.
  • Wipe away dust with a dry cloth.
  • Do not use cleaning solution on your television, as this can damage it over time and make it less effective at displaying images (and/or cause other problems).
  • Do not use paper towels or other abrasive materials on your television screen; they will scratch off the protective coating that prevents scratches from forming on the surface of your TV, leading to more damage later on down the line if you’re not careful!

Dust on top of bookshelves and cabinets, as well as underneath them

Next, dust on top of bookshelves and cabinets, as well as underneath them. If you’re using a duster or feather duster, make sure that it’s clean and free from pet hair. You can also use a microfiber cloth to wipe down surfaces with dust–just remember to dust all sides of the cabinet or shelf before moving on to another area!

Don’t forget to dust the tops of cabinets and bookcases; they may be dusty too! Finally, don’t forget about under-cabinet storage areas: if there are plastic bins or boxes down there (or even just empty space), give them some attention as well.

Wipe down doors, windowsills and baseboards to remove fingerprints and grime

Use a damp cloth or cleaning solution to wipe down the window frames and sills. If you’re using a cleaner, spray it on the cloth before wiping down the surface.

Use a microfiber cloth for dusting glass surfaces–it won’t leave any streaks! If there’s more than just dust on your windows (e.g., smudges), try using an all-purpose cleaner instead of water so you don’t end up with drippy panes when it evaporates later in the day.

Get help from general cleaning professionals

If you’ve got a big living room, you might not have the time or energy to deep clean it on your own. Instead, hire a professional end of lease cleaning in Melbourne to do the job for you. This way, you’ll have one less thing to worry about and can focus on other parts of your home that may need more attention.

Cleaning your living room doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By starting small and working your way out from there, you can get the job done quickly and easily. You’ll also find that deep cleaning each room of your home every week will help keep them all looking fresh and new!

Author Lerry Nylon

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